Vivier Baked Camembert with fresh figs and honey

Serves 4

Prep time: 5 min 

Cook­ing time: 15 min

Dif­fi­cul­ty: easy 

Can­not be frozen


½ lb. (8 oz.) Camem­bert wheel 

2 table­spoons hon­ey, divided

3 — 4 fresh sage leaves 

1 crusty white baguette, thin­ly sliced on the bias 

4 fresh figs, halved 

kosher salt

fresh­ly ground black pepper


1. Pre­heat the oven to 350°F. Line a rimmed bak­ing sheet with parch­ment paper. 

2. Remove the Camem­bert from its con­tain­er and dis­card the wrapper. 

3. Place the Camem­bert back in in the bot­tom half of the con­tain­er and place on the bak­ing sheet; driz­zle with 1 table­spoon hon­ey and top with sage leaves and a pinch of salt and pepper. 

4. Bake until cheese is run­ny, about 10 minutes.

5. Remove from the oven and trans­fer to a plat­ter. Serve with baguette slices and figs, driz­zling the figs with the remain­ing honey.

Enjoy with Vivi­er Rosé of Pinot Noir and Sono­ma Coast Pinot Noir


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